Let’s Know the Indian Street Premiere League (ISPL) Playing Rules

The first season of ISPL starts on March 6, and a total of 18 matches will be played for 10 consecutive days, of which 16 will be league matches and the remaining 3 will be two semi-finals and one final. So let us know that ISPL 2024 rules have been brought into this league that are not similar to the rest of the cricket rules. It is quite different, and these rules make this league exciting.

ISPL Rules

As you know, this league will be played in T10 format, 10 overs will be played in one inning and a total of 20 overs will be played in one match. In this league, the team will get only one review for one inning but it can not be used for LBW.

Indian Street Premiere League (ISPL) 2024 Rules

  • Tip-Top Toss
  • Powerplay
  • 9 Street Runs
  • 50-50 Over
  • Tape-Ball Over

1. Tip-Top Toss

ISPL’s toss is very unique, let’s know how it works, In this technique, two captains face off at a specific point. Following that, they walk towards one another, each step touching heel-to-toe. Furthermore, the first person to touch the other person’s toe wins the toss.

2. Powerplay

The powerplay of ISPL is also similar to the powerplay of all other match formats, but as ISPL is T10 format, the powerplay in this is limited to only two overs, that is, the first two overs of each inning will be powerplay.

3. 9 Street Runs

9 Street Runs: This is the most unique rule of ISPL, as everyone wanted that if we hit a ball for a long distance, it should get more runs, but we used to get only 6 runs, which they have named 9 Street Runs in ISPL. If the ball reaches beyond the sixth boundary, then you get nine street runs.

4. 50-50 Over

In the 50-50 over, the batting side competes for the number of runs they will score in the following over. In this instance, the batting team will also select the bowler they want.

The challenge run requires a minimum of 16 runs. If the batting side completes the challenge, then 50% of the runs scored in that over will be added. (For example, if a team challenges for 16 runs and scores 20, then half of 20, i.e., 10 runs will be added. As a result, the team will get 30 runs from that over).

If the batting team fails to complete the challenge, 50% of their scored runs will be deducted. (For example, if a team challenges for 16 runs and scores 12, then half of 16, i.e., 6 runs will be deducted. As a result, the team will get only 6 runs not 12 from that over).

5. Tape-Ball Over

Each bowling team will have two overs with tape balls in every inning in which at least one over has to be bowled. A tape-ball is nothing but a tape-covered tennis ball, but the original tennis ball is used here instead of the hardened tennis ball, which is generally used in cricket. This ball generally swings a lot and is tricky to control. Tape-ball overs can’t be used in a 50-50 over.